Dentech - A Quick Review Of 2021 And What’s To Come In 2022

We have certainly had a year of hard work and progress, from building our brand new software to our demo sessions to reimagining our product based on your feedback. It was a deep dive into genuinely understanding the strengths and faults of our past and creating something that will set the stage for empowering the dentists of the future. None of those efforts would be possible without your valuable insights, so thank you for being a part of the journey.
This year, we are excited to show you the results of all of our hard work and effort.
2022 is the year we bring new life into the dental software industry. As we begin our brand new product launch, I hope to continue the conversation on building better dental software for our community and you. Whether adding to our feature roadmap or posing questions on our Facebook group or YouTube channel, we’re excited to hear your thoughts.
I look forward to working with you as we enter the next generation of dentistry together.
Jane E. Kaminski