Sliding Into The New Dentech – Options, Menu, Search, and More!

In general, the past 30 years have seen a shift away from paper records and documentation. Having access to all patient information right at your fingertips has allowed practices to be more efficient and make more informed decisions about their patient needs.
We have also seen a shift to more centralized platforms and a mix of both cloud and server-based systems. Our goal with the next generation of Dentech is to deliver one platform to the industry that provides the same powerful functions and features you love, whether you choose to run it on a server or in the cloud. The choice is yours.
Check out the next generation of Dentech in action below!
I continue to schedule voice of customer sessions as we put the final touches on the next generation of Dentech. If you would like to check out what’s going on, schedule your session below.
If you have an idea or a feature you would like to see added to Dentech, let me know!
Jane E. Kaminski
Chief Operating Officer