Let’s Build A Better Tomorrow - Happy New Year From Dentech

2020 has shed some light on the many issues that occur when large organizations control too much, and I am proud to be a part of a business community that still symbolizes the independent hard working American. More importantly, I am honored to support the thousands of independent dental practices that transcend our American landscape today. You are the ones that truly make this industry hum.
This is a defining period for our industry. Disruption has always been a part of our business. Yes, today our normal lives have been upended. The challenges are new. But I know that dentistry overall, has overcome many challenges in the past with tenacity and resilience. The culture of innovation fostered over the ages will help us to pivot and transform.
Despite the immediate challenges, Dentistry will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. I look forward to working with you as we build a better tomorrow. Stay safe and have a Happy New Year.
Jane E. Kaminski
Chief Operating Officer