Dentech’s NEW No-Fuss Appointment Scheduling

We have made scheduling a patient appointment effortless in our NEW Dentech Appointment Scheduler. We have simplified and combined features into a new Appointment Slideout to create a one-stop-shop for all your appointment scheduling needs.
See our ONE-STOP Appointment Scheduling Slideout:
Immediately see your patient’s clinical notes, add (or change) their contact information, and add a new treatment plan directly from the scheduler. Quickly reference a patient or account ledger while scheduling a patient or change insurance or benefit information on the spot. We have eliminated the jumping in and out of screens to reference or change patient information providing our users with everything they need at their fingertips.
The new Dentech appointment scheduler has everything you need, conveniently in one place! Sign up for a demo session and see how your practice can run smoother with the new Dentech.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jane E. Kaminski Chief Operating Officer