Dentech - Thank You For Building The Future Of Dental Software Together

Seeing such a robust program for the first time opened up floodgates of feedback. With each comment, I realized that the actual creation of the new Dentech is happening within our discussions.
As we embark on the launch phase of the future of Dentech, I want to say to all of our Dentech family, thank you so much. Thank you for allowing Dentech and our team to take the time to create the new Dentech for you. Thank you for your readily provided feedback and your valuable input. Thank you for your patience and excitement throughout this journey. Without you, we would have no Dentech and no exciting new product to create together. We don’t want to do this fast, we want to do this right, and we are so grateful for your support as we build the future of dental software together.
Stay tuned as we begin the next phase of this journey together!